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with Completely Arbortrary

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Trees Painted White

Hi guys, I recently moved to Europe (Prague) and have noticed that most newly planted trees are painted white at the bottom. When Googling why, it is said to prevent pests, sun damage, and a few other things. My question is, why does this seem to be more popular in Europe? Does the US have other, more popular preventative measures? Is one technique better than the other? Perhaps there is no rhyme or reason and people do what they have always done because it works for them. Thanks for the podcast! Bobby

Where are the great arboreta?

Hey Alex, Casey, I love the podcast, and used a lot of the knowledge you impart in our exploration of botanic gardens in Portugal. University of Coimbra has an amazing strangler fig, and it was amusing to see that the Sweetgum is a favored exotic over there. So that leads me to ask, if you were to compile a list of the best arboreta to visit, which ones would be on that list? U.S. or worldwide. My husband and I are building a list of destination gardens, and I want to make sure we hit the top arboreta. Oh -- and what do you think makes a great arboretum? Thanks so much! Susan

Sus Looking Leaves

Not a tree, but I have an elderberry bush that I planted about 4 or 5 years ago, and I'll be honest, it's always struggled. It fluffs up with a handful of leaves on it's 2 stubby stems, and in a few months, they fall off and I assume it died until the next spring when it repeated the process. This year, for whatever reason, it has exploded in growth. It's made me both exuberant and bewildered. I've noticed on a couple of the many new branches, that in sections, the leaves look completely different in shape and darker in color. I assumed it was maybe a grafted plant or something, but they are not coming from the main stem or anything. Is this a thing in plants? Or is my plant care so atrocious that I've created a stress induced mutation?

Are weeping willow haircuts a thing?

Recently my neighbours hacked back all the foliage of their big beautiful weeping willow, leaving a massive naked trunk behind. I was piping hot mad and very judgemental about their choice to murder such an amazing tree. But now the naked trunk has started to sprout foliage again and now it looks like giant Joshua tree. So was it attempted murder or a really bad haircut? Do people give willows haircuts for a particular purpose? I'm dying to know but also afraid if I ask I may start a feud. Thank you!

Address Change

I just moved and need to update my address to get new cone stickers! Unfortunately I cannot seem to figure out how to do that here. How should I get that changed?