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with Completely Arbortrary

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Favorite tree-related songs?

Alex & Casey! What are some of your favorite tree-related songs? Bonus points for kid-friendly songs! My 5-month-old daughter and I have really been into the Okie Dokie Brothers’ tree-themed songs*, and we’d love to add others to our rotation! Thanks! *Some examples -- "Great Grandmother Tree" ( -- "Evergreen" ( -- "Mycelium Underground News" (

Tree whisperer in a Christmas movie?

I don't know if anyone has told you about this, but there is a ridiculous (and queer!) Christmas movie called Under the Christmas Tree that came out in the past couple of years. It has a character who is a "tree whisperer." Pretty please watch it and let us know your thoughts on the silliness?!??

Tree Anthem

If you were tasked with creating a national anthem for trees, what message would it convey and what instruments would you use?

For trees that fix nitrogen.

My understanding is that they have bacteria that live in their roots that fix the nitrogen. When a tree grows from a seed, is that bacteria part of the seed? The DNA? Does it get picked up from the soil? Where does it come from????

Take it or ‘leaf’ it!

With all the different types of leaves in the world, there’s a leaf for every preference. Is there a tree with leaves you just can’t let go of? Whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, we’re here for all the tea! (Submitted by Froggie)