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with Completely Arbortrary

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Tree Maturation Rates

Hello again, I’ve been wondering about why trees have pretty stark differences in maturation rates. For example, willows produce seeds in 5ish years while hickories take 20+ years to produce nuts. Why is there such a wide range? Is there any advantage to taking longer to produce seeds? Thanks! Ian V

Thoughts on Rewilding?

Striped Maple was a wonderful episode. It was exciting to hear Casey has a dream I had, to start a nursery and arboretum. I've settled for growing trees from seed in pots on my deck and planting them across the street in the landscaping around the water tower, where the ash trees succumbed to EAB. I've planted about as many as there is room for: 2 Northern Catalpas, Eastern Redbud, Amur Maackia, Dwarf Siberian Pine. I transplanted an American Hornbeam seedling from my yard, but it didn't come back after winter. I had plans to rewild the hill in my backyard, but I've not gotten enough seeds to germinate and survive. Which finally brings me to my question... What are your thoughts on rewilding urban yards and areas with tiny forests? ( I always take a minimalist approach, which inevitably fails. Thanks so much for your show. I love your enthusiastic curiosity, and ability to learn and convey so much as a teacher/student pair. Genius!

Gender and music

Hello Alex and Casey! Since gender is a social construct, what tree or plant would you use to describe your own experience? Personally mine would be some sort of tree that initially looks like it just has fruit bearing flowers/cones, but then you get close and realize I have some branches that have changed to pollen producing. I have a music recommendation that makes me think of this podcast! It's "Soil" by Cosmo Sheldrake, though his entire discography is great. Nerd-in-space

When tree leaves have fungal or other infections (for example I have a peach tree with peach tree curl), where is the infection during the winter when the tree has no leaves? I notice things like that seem to come back every year. Can you talk about pathogen life cycles?

When tree leaves have fungal or other infections (for example I have a peach tree with peach tree curl), where is the infection during the winter when the tree has no leaves? I notice things like that seem to come back every year. Can you talk about pathogen life cycles?


Hi guys! I've noticed that I haven't heard Sibley's guide to trees mentioned recently. It took me a year to listen to everything published and I've started re-listening from the beginning (but Treemium this time). It's like looking at the podcast's baby photos, it's so nostalgic to hear how much you guys have grown. From the OG intro to Alex's first mic sound to the first versions of "let's id this tree" (Douglas fir was Tall and Wide). Anyway! I look forward to the next episode and I hope to hear a cameo from Sibley's guide to trees again. Nerd-in-space