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with Completely Arbortrary

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I spend my summers in Juneau, AK, and occasionally lead hikes through the temperate rain forest near Mendenhall Glacier. I love talking about the trees and other flora (and thanks to this pod I sound even more knowledgeable!), but I've had a question a few times that I'm not sure how to answer. Since you also live in a temperate rain forest, I'm wondering if you know whether they suffer from less invasive species than other types of forests and if so, why? I haven't heard of many up by Juneau, at least, but I'm sure you know more. Thanks and love the show!

Kill, marry, kiss

Casey, Alex, is this game played on the show before? Among all the tree species, which ones will you pick and why? Love the pod

NPS sued for planting Giant Sequoias?

Hi fellas, love the podcast you guys are great. My question is in regards to the lawsuit seeking to prevent the National Park Service from planting giant sequoia seedlings to replace those lost to recent fires. I’m all about letting nature handle itself, but I can’t help but feel part of the reason the fires were so intense had something to do with human activities. If we contributed to the harm, shouldn’t we assist with the recovery? I’m not sure I agree with the NPS doing the clearing and controlled burns in that area, but what harm could come from planting some seedlings? #sequoiadendrongiganteumforever

10 Golden Cones of Honor

What makes a 10, a 10? Or When you picture a perfect tree, what characteristics does it have?

How do I change my subscription amount?

I emailed Supercast with this question twice and they never got back to me. When I was “migrating” over, at one point it asked me how much I wanted to pay per month, and I entered my amount, but it still shows my monthly fee as the set fee. Not sure how I can make sure I give you the same amount I was paying at Patreon.