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with Completely Arbortrary

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Help us name our trees!

Hey guys! We have two baby trees in our front yard, an Accolade Elm that was planted on the parkway last year, and a Black Spruce that I just put in a couple weeks ago. My wife and daughter and I have been trying to come up with a pair of names for them. I suggested we call the elm Elmo, and then to continue the Sesame Street theme, naming the spruce Oscar, since the prickliness of spruces could be interpreted as grouchiness. This idea was shot down immediately. Then I had an idea that all three of us liked— we could name them Casey and Alex, after you guys. (Neither of them listen to the podcast, but they do get to hear fascinating tidbits from me, so they know who you are.) The question is, which one is which? So we figured we'd ask you what you think. Which one of you is the elm and which one is the spruce? AND/OR, if you have any other suggestions for a pair of names, we'd love to hear 'em! (If possible, we'd like to stick with gender neutral names, as we don't know the trees' pronouns.)

Size discrepancies in tree measurements

Hey guys!! I’m currently on my honeymoon - my husband and I just went to Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks! We loved them so much. We’re currently on our way home relistening to the old Sequoia episode. And we noticed that in the episode you guys mentioned that the diameter of the largest sequoia was 29ft, but we just saw General Grant at Kings Canyon and the park said it had a diameter of 40ft. We tried to google what the diameter really is, and found different sizes from different sources. Is there a reason why the diameter of the largest tree is said to be different from different sources? Any idea what it actually is? ps - my husband wasn’t much of a tree lover before we met but now when we hike together he’s always asking me tree identification questions, thanks to the pod I can answer them! One day we hope to have a little family of tree lovers 🤍 <3 Katie & Adam

ornamental invasives

In the Russian olive episode you mentioned autumn olives as being a non invasive ornamental. Can you explain the relative risks of ornamental trees escaping cultivation? Under what conditions should someone feel safe planting non native ornamentals and when is it risky?

Space themed tree question

Hi Casey and Alex! My question: if you were in charge of selecting trees to go on a spaceship, what would you prioritize? I'm thinking the multi generation colony ships where the arboretum also functions as air processing, food supply, and they will be planted on the new planet. You can also choose what would go on a deep space exploration ship like the Enterprise! I started listening to the podcast at the beginning of the 2023 school year when I had to start driving my kiddo an hour each way to school. Your pod has saved my sanity. Also! I found wild sassafras in my yard!!! Anyway! Hope you guys have a great day! Sincerely, Nerd-in-space

Can you dissect this?

It's about city planners only planting male trees. Do female trees really absorb pollen in a way that would make seasonal allergies less? Would we get no fruity mess at all without male trees?