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with Completely Arbortrary

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If you could only plant one tree across America, which tree would it be? I'm thinking for beauty, posterity, utility, adaptability, cost, and of course for the environment.

If you could only plant one tree across America, which tree would it be? I'm thinking for beauty, posterity, utility, adaptability, cost, and of course for the environment.

Using googly eyes to promote “ugly” trees?

Alex & Casey! I recently came across a fascinating study that found that consumers were more likely to buy “ugly” vegetables when they had googly eyes on them or when they were given human names. Two questions: (1) What do you think about applying this to trees that some might consider “ugly” but provide great benefits? (2) If you think it’s an idea worth trying, which tree species would you start with? Thanks!


Hey Casey and Alex, hope you’re both doing well. Have you guys done an episode on the tanoak? Thought that could be a good one. Its taxonomy and relation to other species could make for an interesting episode

Hi there. My spotify doesnt play ad free & I havent gotten any cone stickers yet. Love yall love the show.

I think I joined right when yall were switching away from patreon.

A Question About Tree Sex

Hi guys, I really enjoyed the Acer pensylvanicum episode and the way they changed genders made me think about another weird sexual thing with plants. I am a botanist working with Grindelia ciliata and they have a very pronounced heterocarpy where they produce different fruit depending on the position of the flower on the capitula. I was wondering if you know of any trees with heterocarpy? Generally I would assume they wouldn't have any due to the higher cost to produce, but I would be interested to hear otherwise.